

Our Foundation

The alarming statistics uncovered by the Indian Council of Medical Research, highlight Hyderabad as India’s diabetes capital, boasting a 16% incidence rate, and a 9% undiagnosed diabetes rate nationwide.

India stands among the top ten countries for diabetics, accompanied by a significant number of pre-diabetics. Simultaneously, the escalating threat of cancer, where projections suggest 1 in 10 Indians will develop cancer and 1 in 15 will succumb to it.
Our efforts are concentrated in two primary areas – Cancer and Diabetes Screening – supported by Awareness and propelled with Compassion. We assist citizens in identifying and mitigating health risks early, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and providing crucial emotional support in the fight against fatal diseases.
Through the implementation of impactful advocacy and awareness campaigns, informed by our comprehensive programs and initiatives, the Foundation strives to instigate tangible change, facilitate development, and foster growth.


To make prevention knowledge and early detection services more accessible for people across both rural and urban strata.


We engage with Medical professionals and Health volunteers to assist in the early detection of cancer and diabetes and create awareness.
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